Southern Cross Station – Market Led Proposal (SCS)
Southern Cross Station (SCS) is the most important multi-modal public transport facility in Australia at the hub of a fast expanding and improving network. In the 15 years since redevelopment, demand and patronage has exhausted capacity, thirty years earlier than initially expected, and the pace of growth continues unabated.
To ensure it could continue to provide a high level of performance and service for the people of Victoria, Infranexus commissioned Ontoit to prepare a Market Led Proposal (MLP) to be submitted to the State to outline how the SCS asset could be future-proofed to provide ongoing efficient and effective operations in the face of additional demand.
Ontoit’s role is to coordinate the critical inputs from Infranexus and the team of subject matter experts and to present a cohesive and compelling justification for investment in the asset.
As well as fulfilling the role of the primary writer of the MLP, Ontoit has provided constructability and scheduling advice, advice on development sequencing and staging, analysed operational impacts, managed cost planning and risk assessment tasks, undertaken financial modelling and provided overall leadership of the technical and commercial teams.