Prison Bed Capacity Program (PBCP)
The Prison Bed Capacity Program redeveloped 20 regional prison sites to deliver more than 5,000 new prison beds over a period of five years.
The New South Wales prison population is approximately 13,000 and is expected to rise in coming years. As such, the NSW Government embarked upon Better Prisons — a project of reform and rebuild facilities including a once-in-a-generation investment in modern, secure, fit-for-purpose prisons.
Our role
Ontoit was engaged in 2016 to deliver services ranging from program management through to procurement advice and senior leadership. One of our initial pieces of work focused on designing, trialling, and testing the concept of modular prison cell construction. We designed and implemented a Program wide project management system and automated reporting framework for the Prison Bed Capacity Program to data analytics and delivery support services, all of which were designed to improve transparency, security, efficiency, data quality, and collaboration. In addition, we were engaged by Corrective Services NSW to deliver a similar scope of work for their team in preparation for the commissioning of the new correction facilities.
Ontoit also delivered project management and superintendency services to several correction centre expansions including:
- The 220-bed expansion and allied infrastructure upgrade at the Bathurst Correction Facilities costing $160m.
- The 480-bed expansion and allied infrastructure upgrade to maximum security accommodation facilities at the Junee Correction Centre costing $300m.
- The 110-bed expansion and allied infrastructure upgrade at the Metropolitan Remand and Reception Centre at Silverwater.