Gippsland Performing Arts Centre Redevelopment
The Gippsland Performing Arts Centre is a state-of-the-art performing arts centre constructed on land adjacent to the Traralgon Service Centre and Library.
The cultural hub meets the demand of the growing region, facilitating local creative industry training and vocational courses.
Our role
Ontoit was engaged by Latrobe City Council to provide project management services and to assist in all aspects of the Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) phase including contract management and administration, construction and delivery.
Our team managed the construction contract and provided project management services for the construction phase. The construction contractor was engaged via a novated D&C to preserve the integrity of the design without diminishing the clients desired risk allocation.
Ontoit also provided procurement advice to support the evaluation of tenders, assisting the construction contract compilation and providing the evaluation template documents.

Image Credits:
Renders by Jackson Architecture & Katsieris Origami