Albury Airport Western Precinct Concept Design
Albury City Council (ACC) has engaged Ontoit to complete a stakeholder engagement process in relation to the planned expansion of Albury Airport to the West of the existing airport infrastructure. The project has been known as Albury Airport Western Precinct Expansion.
In conjunction with Aviation Specialists, develop a new concept plan that consider ACC’s Strategic Planning, General Aviation, Emergency Services, Emerging Technologies and Freight and Logistics. Our role coordinates in-depth background investigations, business case studies, stakeholder engagement report, concept design options and a feasibility study.
Our services included background Investigation & Site Analysis to identify and understand the full range of project parameters to develop a comprehensive Project Management Plan. We were engaging with relevant key Stakeholders through an informed consultation process to obtain feedback, buy-in and support for the project from key airport user groups, including local, state and federal departments, as well as advocacy and funding bodies.
The key to the success of this process will be stakeholder engagement and consultation across the various users and agencies identified in the Albury Stakeholder Engagement Plan to ensure appropriate data capture and also understand alignment with ACC objectives and maintain strong existing community relationships through the implementation of the Albury Aviation Strategy and Marketing Plan, Master Plan and Albury 2030 Community Plan.