ACT Waste Feasibility Study
The ACT Government’s Waste Feasibility Study investigated how best to reduce waste generation, maximise resource recovery, minimise littering and illegal dumping, and achieve a carbon-neutral waste sector in the Territory.
In order to inform the Waste Feasibility Study, the ACT Government undertook a market sounding, seeking innovative and sustainable proposals from both the waste and non-waste sectors on how best to achieve these targets.
Ontoit was engaged by Transport Canberra and City Services Directorate to review the market sounding documentation to consider how participants would respond.
Ontoit provided advice on how to ensure the market sounding generated sufficient interest and elicited the information necessary to inform the Waste Feasibility Study. Ontoit also reviewed and analysed the market sounding submissions and prepared a summary report of the findings and common themes that were raised by participants.
Services provided:
- Bid Management
- Commercial Advisory
Project Details
Transport Canberra and City Services Directorate
$10.3 million