Pakenham Racing Club Relocation
The new Pakenham Racecourse is a multi-million-dollar, world-class thoroughbred racing and training facility. The $72 Million complex is the first thoroughbred racecourse built in Victoria in almost 40 years.
Located on a 608-acre site in Tynong, the new facility is one of the largest racecourse developments in Australia. It includes:
- a new 2,400m grass, 2,000m synthetic sand and
grass training tracks - an event centre and marquee area
- race day administration building, and
- horse stalls and stables.
Pakenham Racecourse also includes a 150-acre trainer allotment that provides a unique business model for locally-based trainers.
Ontoit was brought in to take over as project manager and provide a step-change in the level of project management being employed, to get the project back on track, and to ensure that the project would be delivered to meet the opening racing day.
We successfully managed the construction and delivery of the $13 million / 3,000m2 events centre together with the race day administration building components for the Pakenham Racing Club.
Services provided:
- Project Management
- Design Management
- Superintendency
- Transition and Handover
Project Details
Pakenham Racing Club
$72 million