Federation Square East (Over Rail)
Located on the banks of the Yarra the Federation Square East Development has been the subject of much public debate - it is the Government's vision to better integrate Melbourne’s central business district with the River and Melbourne’s cultural, sporting and entertainment precincts.
Federation Square East is the parcel of air rights over one of the busiest rail corridors to the east of Federation Square. This parcel has been perceived as a blight on the urban environment for the CDB as it is located at a key transition between the CBD, Melbourne’s riverfront gardens and the Sports and Entertainment Precinct.
The development comprises dynamic spaces incorporating buildings of design excellence augmenting the significant civic spine that has been delivered through past public and private investments along the city’s southern edge. The site is bounded by Federation Square to the west, Flinders Street to the north, Batman Avenue to the east and Birrarung Marr to the south (FSE Site). It comprises 3.3 hectares of land of which 2.3 hectares required building above rail lines and one hectare of which was largely used for car parking.
Ontoit provided advice to Government to enable the scoping, costing and the project delivery strategy for the site, as part of the detailed feasibility and analysis carried out on this site. Our key people assisted in pulling together the necessary inputs for a preliminary business case for testing the viability of expanding this city block development site, over operating rail infrastructure, to Government.