Public Housing Renewal Program
This pathfinder project will deliver integrated social housing and private rental dwellings under an innovative structure which retains public land ownership for inter-generational benefit.
The PHRP is redeveloping numerous old public housing estates that are no longer fit for purpose. The sites are well located in inner and suburban Melbourne. The program seeks to leverage innovative commercial structures and value capture mechanisms to deliver renewal and growth in public/social housing as well as improved community integration whilst minimising upfront Government funding requirement.
In support of the Victorian Government’s commitment to revitalising public housing, Ontoit is assisting with the procurement of a Ground Lease Public-Private Partnership (PPP) model for the redevelopment of three public housing estates. Recognizing the government’s objectives, Ontoit has provided the necessary project leadership and transaction management services to ensure the project aligns with the broader community and economic goals.
Our approach has been to design a procurement strategy that overcomes challenges like securing market interest and ensuring adequate funding. By working closely with government stakeholders, Ontoit helped foster an environment of innovation and maintained healthy competition, leading to the development of a viable ground lease model. This model has been explored and refined through an interactive tender process, tailored to meet the unique needs of the project.
This project has been delivered with innovative thinking to the housing delivery models discussion, resulting in new commercial approaches and funding sources. It also delivered important initiatives such as the Public Tenant Employment Program, Local Jobs First policies, adherence to Better Apartments Design Standards, Greenstar ratings, and Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme ratings. Additionally, the inclusion of Creative Victoria artist live/work spaces was seamlessly incorporated into the project, contributing to the Victorian Government’s vision of sustainable, community-focused development.